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Reality Game

How do you make a game of the real thing, when the real thing is a game?

Tell the truth. Hiding is what the game is made of.

Today was the first meeting between myself and the Executive Producer (though that's not what he's calling himself) of the MMORPG I will be involved in designing. We are very much of the same mind about the importance of making the game as close an emulation of "reality" as possible. The fear of others on the project is making it too "real", unacceptably "real".

The purpose, it appears, will be to describe the process and complexities of getting something done through the machine of the United States government. The goal is to ensnare and engage the minds of 13-18 year olds trapped in the corporate-industrial education system and show them how power is amassed and wielded - often for the 'greater good', and just as often, not.

The message is empowerment. I mean that.

Know the game and know that you have to play it, or you have to change the rules.

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