best when viewed in low light


"Merry New Year!"

"It's Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!"

Trading Places is hilarious because it showcases the vast internal rift that exists in the US: the (not so) subtle caste system of race and class. It is funny because it is true, and because it poses the (possibly) ideal resolution - the rich white guy and the poor black guy both get rich by fleecing the prejudiced, anachronistic powers that be, and live happily ever after on a beach with hot girls and lobster.

But in a world without the carefree ending, the differences we note and create between ourselves and others have developed into institutionalized systems of advantage and disadvantage.

Though US culture is obsessively attuned to the obvious and unspoken attributes of racial and socio-economic differentiation, we are unable to see the parallels in other societies. Our fidelity to the myth of equality in the US allows us to swagger around the world making it better for everyone else, according to our standards, yet we can't account for our lack of moral authority.

So we can support/condone the hanging of Saddam Hussein. Now, there's the video, the violence, and the speculations of coming disaster, but whether these fantasies come true or not, Saddam has already been deemed a martyr, and there's the biggest danger. Or not.

The biggest danger because a dead Saddam may be more of an inspirational touchstone for violent protest against US dominance.

Not the biggest danger because Saddam couldn't do much (to us) when he was alive. And really, why not wait for a more opportune moment to attack the US and undermine our (perceived) global hegemony. Just wait!

Funny that the news suggests that it's the video, not the actual hanging that has spurred sectarian violence over the past couple days. As if the broadcast is what's so offensive.

Rumors of Bush announcing an increase of troops in Iraq, not making anybody happy at home, but how will the newbie Democrats refuse? And wheregoes the Senate majority?

Seven years into the new century and not much has changed. Makes me hanker for something really catastrophic like the Millenium Bug that Could, or even another blackout.

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