best when viewed in low light



I can't help but laugh when I see prophecies of women changing the world...for a year, or a month, even a decade. Because women haven't been doing anything to influence the course of history since, like, ever!

There's a great poem by Ted Hughes that comes to mind every time a cease fire is suspended in the gender wars:

"No, the serpent did not
Seduce Eve to the apple.
All that's simply
Corruption of the facts.

Adam ate the apple.
Eve ate Adam.
The serpent ate Eve.
This is the dark intestine.

The serpent, meanwhile,
Sleeps his meal off in Paradise -
Smiling to hear
God's querulous calling."

I mean, who writes this shit?!

Just the numbers alone are enough to blow your mind. 86 Female members? Who would give women this much overtly-exercised power? Oh, wait. This is the US Congress! Nothing about the exercise of power is overt! Whew!

As long as women stay in their place, manipulating, cajoling and fucking their way into positions of historic significance, we will be safe from any change that might actually be wrought by the armageddon of gender equality.

I know that feminism is passe and all, but if Nancy Pelosi is the torch bearer, women are fucked. This woman is two hierarchical steps away from the Presidency (egads!) and she's the one referencing housework as part of her duty to the nation...the context matters, but could she have chosen another metaphor?

And why are all women credited with the number of children they've produced? In this same article, Pelosi is referenced as "a 66-year-old mother of five and grandmother of another five", instead of something like 'Congressional Representative for California's 8th District for 20 years and House Minority Leader for the 109th Congress'? Is her age and propagation better preparation for a political position than actual experience?

Wait, there might be something in that. If Congress is like a boys club, and all the members behave like high school cliques, with toes stepped on as easily as the average Day Care attendee, then maybe changing diapers is good preparation!

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