best when viewed in low light


Conservatism is dead, long live conservatism

I'm a Republican.

But before you, oh precious reader, jump to conclusions about what that means, I'd like to clarify a thing or two.

1. Republican and conservative are not synonymous, despite what the RNC might like to promote.

2. True Republicans are embarrassed by the big-spending, big-government federalism practiced by every Republican administration since Reagan.

3. Moral/social legislation is NOT the foundation of solid Republican values, and should be left to those best qualified to make such judgments - the individuals who are affected (this, in keeping with the foundational values of the party).

4. Radical Christianity is a minor, albeit vocal, segment of the Republican party from which the party's policies MUST be wrested in order to proceed into the current century.

5. He might be Black, but Michael Steele is still clueless when it comes to the future.

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