best when viewed in low light


King, k-king, king

Oh, hello there.

When I was little, my brother was my favorite person on the entire planet, and I treated him like he was my own beloved child. [Not much has changed except that he's now a lot taller than me and he's more likely to win arguments.] My best friend Mara and I would carry him around on our crossed arms, and we would sing a little ditty that went "king, k-king, king" to no particular tune whatsoever.

That's completely beside the point, except sometimes I want to make my indirect references more clear.

Thanks to Levi, I watched the first two episodes of "Kings" on hulu, and I gotta say I am pretty fucking impressed. The cast is killer, the star is really cute, the premise is classic fairy tale, and the potential for parody and general hilarity ever-present.

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