best when viewed in low light


Your Attention, Please!

I'd like to share a couple of sentiments that I was quite touched by (and, after yesterday's cornucopia of fucked up global politics, I could use a lift):

1. I have been a fan of Aaron McGruder's utterly brilliant Boondocks strip since I saw it some years ago. I never had TV when it became a show, and so never had the pleasure of seeing it until last night.
The Martin Luther King Jr. come-back episode nearly brought me to tears. And it begs the question: What does it take to get us engaged with our lives, our communities and our country? Have we become so entitled that we believe it's someone else's responsibility to lead? Have we forgotten how to revolt?

2. This is what political action looks like. Now get your ass up, get informed, and go tell your elected officials who's in fucking charge here! If the French can do it, so can we.

3. Please don't take my lambasting of our current political leaders and their reprehensible decision making as a commentary on the United States. I am a die-hard patriot. I just can't stand being lied to, misinformed, misdirected, uninspired, underserved and unappreciated by the 'powers that be'.
You know that our political bank account is pretty low when the Brits are debating the value of our existence. We've come a long way since V-E Day.
The Clintonian side-note reminded me of his first Inaugural Address. Just thinking back to that day, and the swelling of possibility and potential in the hearts and minds of this country - even though the fear of Democratic politics and fiscal management was real - makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Let me remind you:
"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America."

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